
Delivering exceptional janitorial & cleaning services since 1969

The #1 Team
for Everything Clean

Unmatched value.
Reliable service.
Consistent results.

Professional Commercial Cleaning Company

Struggling with finding professional, reliable, and worry-free commercial cleaning? Jani-King is the top ranked commercial cleaning franchise. We have been a leading provider of janitorial services globally for more than 50 years.

Every aspect of our business is delivered with intention. Our communication tools facilitate effective communication and are the basis of our Quality Assurance systems. Our commitment to green means eco-friendly products and equipment that reduce environmental impact. Our partnerships and alliances continue to position Jani-King of Southern Ontario as a leader and innovator.

Our program - designed and perfected over many years and in many different types of facilities - ensures that every customer receives consistent, quality service. From our corporate team to our franchise owners to our dream cleaning teams, we are skilled and experienced in meeting challenges that others shy away from. We are your partner, an extension of your business, and we are here to succeed. 

Jani-King Commercial Cleaning Client Retention
Jani-King Commercial Cleaning 50+ Years in Business
Jani-King Commercial Cleaning Happy Clients

Southern Ontario Areas Served

From Toronto to Niagara Falls, we serve the entire Southern Ontario region with dependable and reliable commercial cleaning services. Our focus is on creating a clean and safe environment, through specialized janitorial services, disinfection services, as well as focused floor and carpet cleaning services. We are committed to keep commercial Southern Ontario clean.

Jani-King of Southern Ontario

Trust your Keys
to Jani-King

Your building is central to your success. Jani-King doesn’t just keep your building clean, we’re part of your business team. It’s why so many customers place their trust in us. Jani-King has been in business since 1969. We have customers of all types and sizes around the world. Everyone works hard to earn and keep your trust so that no customer anywhere has a bad experience.


Facility Cleaning

Commercial cleaning
Commercial Offices
Commercial Offices
business cleaning services
business cleaning services
office cleaning services
Government Buildings
office cleaning services
toronto commercial cleaning
Healthcare & Clinics
Healthcare & Clinics
commercial cleaning
Auto Dealerships
Auto Dealerships
hotel cleaning companies
Hotels & Resorts
hotel cleaning companies
Retail Spaces
Retail Spaces
retail cleaning companies
Food Production Facilities
Food Production Facilities
Food Production Facilities
industrial cleaning companies
Industrial Facilities
Industrial Facilities
commercial cleaning
Venues & Places of Worship
Venues & Places of Worship
eco friendly school and university cleaning
Schools & Universities
Schools & Universities
bank cleaning services
Banks & Financial Institutions
Banks & Financial Institutions
bank cleaning services
Daycare Centres
Banks & Financial Institutions

1000+ Happy Customers

CTV News
CamScott Transport
Hospice of Windsor
Waste Connections Canada
KEI Identity
Salit Steel
The Peoples Church
Rexdale Community

We have been working with Jani-King for over a year now and we are extremely happy with their service!

— Michelle Ferrari

Our Jani-King Franchise, Leon is always reliable, courteous and wonderful to work with. If we have any issues or added requests those are looked after quickly.

— Lynn Laking

As an organization, Jani-King continues to ensure high standards of customer service and quality of work.

— Donna Ho

The team at Jani-King is the absolute best to work with; they accommodate our long schedules, arrive on time...

— Alice Jacques

Jani King and all of their staff have been nothing short of phenomenal! They are all exceptional at communicating with us.

— Stephanie Chandler

Their commitment to customer service, professionalism and to quality cleaning, is a direct reflection of how much they care for their clients.

— Joshua Lynch

Jani-King has been incredible prior, during and after our move to a new facility. Ivan from head office and Velliah the franchisee, have been attentive in meeting us to bring the new facility to our standards.

— Joe Campisi

This company has been amazing to work with. Our facilities look amazing every time they finish. They have also been very flexible with us in terms of scheduling, which has been very helpful! Everyone I have interacted with so far from this company has been very kind and very helpful! I would 1000% recommend their services for your business.

— Mahayah Lochan-Aristide

Jani-King is a delight to work with, encouraging frequent communication to ensure our experiences are smooth! Keshorne and his crew have been incredibly approachable and accommodating as our business needs continue to evolve and grow.

— Zac Duff

Love your boss

Own your own franchise and find your place with Jani-King - a trusted company and industry leader in commercial cleaning. Our program and team will help you reach success through training, mentorship, and proven systems.

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Southern Ontario Commercial Cleaning Services

Winter Woes: Combatting Seasonal Grime in Your Woodstock Restaurant

Cleanliness drives restaurant success in Whitby. Discover how Jani-King’s janitorial services enhance…

Southern Ontario Commercial Cleaning Services

Why an Immaculate Restaurant is Your Best Marketing Tool in Whitby

Cleanliness drives restaurant success in Whitby. Discover how Jani-King’s janitorial services enhance…